It was a great trip . . . so many memories, new friends, gracious people, pictures, videos, post cards when no pictures allowed, blisters, dirty clothes and so little sleep - but definitely worth it 😊
We lucked out on 1st leg of 3 flights home and upgraded to first class
Taipei airport not only has Miss Kitty but also beautiful orchid garden, a delightful way to pass time.
After weeks of humidity and heat it is cold to us in USA. We are tired and catching sleep as we can on planes and in airports. Opened suitcases and have pulled out jackets. For dinner hot clam chowder hits the spot
Soon boarding for last leg -- overnight flight and special thanks to Carol for agreeing to pick us up at 6:30 AM!
COPI is now busy preparing for summer trip - anyone want to go?? Going to Halong Bay which is beautiful. Check their Facebook page - this weekend in New England and now have so many beautiful backpacks for children in VN 😀
So many children there with so little and many who have already been through more in life than anyone should have to go through. Yet their smiles so amazing and their gratitude overwhelming.
It is a country on the way up and the young have no time for the government. Tourism is booming with so many places to visit and beautiful beaches but those jobs do not pay a lot. Decent paying jobs not easily available so they piece together income through several part time jobs, not ideal but they make it work. And they want to share what they have with us for which we are so grateful and appreciative.
Now after we do laundry we start task of downloading pictures and videos and sorting. We will be sending out links of "final" products re trip. And we need to hit Asian market for our mangos, pineapples and rice paper for Spring Rolls. 😆
THANK YOU for keeping up with us and hope you have learned a little about a country that has moved on and opens it hearts to Americans in a big way